Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A New Motto
This is my first week teaching by myself and the 6th week that the kids have been coming to class. I am feeling a bit stuck because I am at the end of my repertoire and am being forced to start the nitty gritty, by which I mean the dreaded verb tenses. Because I only have three weeks left, I don't really want to get into it with the kids.
It occurs to me that I need to take moment to define two key words in the last few sentences.
Class- This is three or four "benches" (pieces of wood) set in a semi circle under one tree in the front "yard" (dirt plot) in front of Mama Zenebu's house. Some days when there is a large class the boys run to the neighboring "houses" (mud and stick shacks) to get green plastic lawn chairs. There are NO resources other than what I bring with me. I write sentences on paper and hold them up to my chest so that the students can copy them.
Kids- These vary every day and it isn't fair to use the word 'kid'. Most range between the ages of 13 and 17 but there are now four mamas that have been coming to class that are probably in their late twenties. Sometime they bring their babies with them. The size varies depending on the day and the often wander in a half hour late.
At first I got really nervous about teaching by myself and overwhelmed by the sense that something had to change with the way that class was run. It has come to the point where the kids don't know why they are there and they are getting bored. So I have decided that the most important thing I can do is to attempt to teach just the things that they specifically want to be taught. I have passed out note cards that they are writing Swahili words on that they want to know in English and I translate them into English with the help of dear Amani everyday. I am also doing my best to make it as fun and exciting as possible. We are doing speaking exercises everyday by drawing questions in English out of my cheeseball safari hat (sorry dad). And on Friday Amani and I are going to teach the kids to sing Lean on Me. This was the consensus after about 4 hours of hard core thinking on which song to teach. I had the whole house debating what the best song to teach a bunch of punk teenagers was.
The moral of the story is "you can only do what you can do". I am excited about it.
So if anyone has a good idea about what would be fun and informative (not necessarily an English lesson either) that I can do without electricity or any place to hang or write anything, I would appreciate any advice I can get. I have very limited funds as well but I am open to suggestion. My email is Thanks!
List of firsts, take 2
- Been sneezed on by a lion
- Almost been trampled by an elephant
- Recovered from Malaria in Zanzibar
- Ground my own coffee
- Been inside a house made of cow dung
- Seen a cameleon change color
We will see what the next three weeks has in store...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Safari pics
This weekend I went on Safari with 16 other volunteers from my group. Most of these are new arrivals and a few were veterans. We went with a local company here that has a good rep with CCS. On Friday, we drove about three hours to the west to just outside Lake Manyara National Park. This is located in the Maasai mara and the Rift Valley. We went to a local Maasai village as our first activity as the sun was setting. There were twelve huts in a circle. The village is one man's family, each of his wives has a hut for the wife and her children to sleep in. The man then rotates weekly to each hut. As the sons grow up, they make their own villages and the daughters are married off. The whole livelihood of the people revolves around the cattle. They eat the meat, drink the milk and the blood, and use the dung for various purposes like to build houses and as fuel. The cattle sleep in the huts with the women and children in order to protect them from night bandits. We got to go into a hut which was tiny and had two beds- one for the man and his guests and one for the women and the children. There is a fire set up in the middle of the hut. Now a days the Maasai burn containers of kerosene using fabric as wicks.
It was a bit awkward being there, taking pictures and observing their culture so close up. I attempted to put myself in their shoes and couldn't even imagine strangers coming in to my home to take pictures and ask questions about my way of life. The kids had flies in their eyes and were covered in cow crap but I didn't feel necessarily sorry for them. Every one of us had a different reaction to their lifestyle. My thought is that it is not up to me to judge the way that they live. While I of course want the best for each individual, I can not say to them that their way of living is wrong. Others felt pity for them, but again I think that pity and judgement are closely linked. It was an interesting experience, that is for sure.
Day two-
We went to the Ngorongoro Crater. This was at one point a large mountain that has now collapsed in on in itself creating a lush environment for animals. We saw whole herds of zebras and wildebeast, many elephants and a few (about 15) lions. We were really excited to see the lions as many other groups have gone and not seen any cats. At one point, the van was parked on top a culvert that a lion was under. He was on a "honeymoon" with a lioness and they were, uh, living it up. We came back to the same culvert after lunch and he was there, lying on his back. We got to watch him from the top of our car, about 10 feet away. At one point he sneezed which made us all jump. We also saw 3 Black Rhinos which are also very rare, there are only 24 left in the crater and they don't know if there are any others out side of the crater.
Day Three-
We went on a half day game drive to Lake Manyara and saw lots of hippos and elephants and giraffes. At one point, the van that was parked next to us had an elephant approach and stand there blowing sand at it. We all had to be dead quiet because the elephant was trying to see if it was a threat. At one point, it put its tusks right up to the window. It was a crazy experience, for sure. We were all a bit scared.
It was such a cool experience hanging out in the wild with these giant animals. It is absolutely surreal to have giraffes and elephants just walk past your car nonchalantly. The hippos are my favorite. They just lay in the water all day and eat a whole bunch of grass. What a life. There is such an obvious balance to the whole thing, with such great predators living together. I totally felt like I was visiting another culture and stepping into a whole new world. What amazing animals.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Too Many Bandaids
This is just one of many opportunities I have had here to slap a bandaid on a desperate and depressing and overwhelming situation. I could have easily handed her twenty dollars and made her so happy. But this is just one bandaid among many that is needed and that is just too many bandaids for one person to handle financially and emotionally. The biggest struggle I have here is, ironically, not doing anything. It is a miserable feeling knowing that you can't do anything. But even if I were to help one woman with her cab fare, what effect am I going to have? So I do what I can. We brought sugar to the woman (whose mother turned out to be diabetic....) as per custom, we teach their children, and we try our best to spread hope and optimism and to let them know that we have come from across the world to say that we care and that we are thinking about them.
How to Get to Mr. Price
Today we gave them each a paper with the first letter of their names written on it in big block form. We wanted them to draw their favorite things inside and we were going to have them describe them in English, for example a soccer ball or their brother or pineapple or whatever they like. This didn't go over as planned. All the girls drew flowers and all the boys drew Mt. Kiliminjaro. Most had never drawn with colored pencils before and it was the first time that they were dead silent, concentrating so hard on the task at hand. A couple got it and drew their houses or shirts and a few even drew Katie and I. Tomorrow we do explainations and I hope it goes well.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Geography day!
We also did a quick overview about what America was like. We tried to do our best but it is hard to come up with generalizations about how people live in America. It seems that the culture here (from at least an outsiders view) is much more homogenous than at home. We came up with about 15 generalizations. The two most shocking facts that the kids learned about America was that we went to high school for free and that there were no Zebras. We told them that we didn't have zebras, lions, tigers, rhinos, or elephants and it totally blew their minds. They pay for every school that they attend, including nursery and primary school, and the cost of education has broad effects on their lives (a subject for a different post). None of them have been more than an hour from their home and without picture books and resources in school they have a very limited idea about what life outside of Tanzania is like. I would say that geography day was a hit, although we didn't do much than let them spill over the resources.
This past weekend
On Sunday, the three local volunteers took four of us on a hike to a waterfall. It had been raining the day before and the trail was quite muddy but we had a great time. The waterfall was really great and there was a good swimming hole at the bottom. I jumped right in, knowing that the best way to deal with cold water is to go in quick. We had a good time splashing around and it was good to be cool in the heat. It was a nice hike through the jungle and we saw avacado trees, coffee trees, and plenty banana trees. A troop of local boys followed us to the waterfall, intrigued by the Mzungus.
On the way back to the car we stopped at a locals house to learn how to make coffee. They had some seeds for us which we shucked and then they built us a fire to roast them. The little boys helped us make the fire by starting a strip of PLASTIC on fire and letting it drip into the ashes and sticks. It was a bit crazy. We roasted the beans and then ground them up. It smelled so good and reminded me of home (by which I mean Starbucks). It was a good way to wrap up the weekend.
Pics 6
The kids love my hair, for whatever reason. Today I finally gave into letting them play with it.
My goofy kids and the globe that they obsessed over on geography day. This is Anita, Happy, Lightness, Mwajabu, and Petite.
It was bloody cold and I was real proud of myself. That is Amani to the left and my friend Gail from the UK to the right. There was a way to hike up to those rocks behind me and jump through the waterfall.
This is the waterfall that we went on a hike to.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sex Ed Take 2
US: Good morning class!
Them: Good Morning Teacher!
Us: How are you?
Them: I am fine thank you teacher and you.
Us: We are fine, thank you.
Them: Thank you teacher, and you.
Us: We are fine, thank you.
Awkward pause.
They don't get that they have just asked the same question twice and haven't been corrected. We also started with comparisons (He is taller than me, I am older than her). After class on Thursday, we went back to Jumani's house, the young man with AIDS. He was excited to see us again.
Today we had support group with the women again. This time we introduced the female condom. Word has gotten out among the women in the neighborhood and we had a big crowd today. The women have never been taught about safe sex. They ask us all sort of questions about why they need to have safe sex and I have to remember that this is something that has been pounded into my brain forever and these women are just being exposed to it for the first time. At one point, one woman said that the condom was "destroying Tanzanian culture".
There are a plethora of misguided theories about safe sex and sex in general. Most of the time I feel as if support group is just Sex Myth Busters. Here are some of the ones we "busted" today.
Every time you have sex, four years of your life is taken away.
You will get really sick if you don't have sex for too long.
Men will get a fungus if they use a condom.
A condom is not large enough.
One of my favorite questions though was "why do men want sex all the time"? All of the women laughed and swapped stories along this line and it is really apparent that they all enjoy this much needed female time. The topic of sex is a very male dominated one, and culturally the men are in charge of everything that has to do with sex. Again, it was really successful. We handed out condoms (both male and female) at the end and the women clambered all over each other for them.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Kids These Days
After class, we went with a couple of the mamas to visit a sick elderly woman. It is tradition in Tanzania to either bring sugar or flour to the house of the sick. The woman claimed to be 98 years old and this fact was substantiated independently when we met her son outside the home. Her house was a simple one bedroom mud and stick room with two beds, tons of dishes and a few clothes. Her family had left her alone except one grandchild from Arusha that sends money occasionally. It is such an honor every time to be welcomed into the homes of these women, most who have so very little and are sick. It is also very humbling to be welcomed as a savior. I know full well that I can't do anything for her, but in her eyes the very fact that I bothered to come visit her means an incredible amount.
Today we attempted to teach the days of the week and birthdays but it didn't really go over very well because we didn't have our translator with us. While they respect us and really do adore us, they also don't take us quite as seriously as we would like. Tuesdays are safari days and the kids led us to a river to show us where they swim and do their laundry. We were completely at the mercy of the kids because we had no translator and had no idea where we were going, weaving in and around the houses.
They were typical teenagers, horsing around and being wild. I had another "mzungu moment" while trying to get them in line. Because I didn't know how to get them to be nice in Swahili, I just kept saying "Woah! woah, woah!" trying to get them to be calm. This just made them laugh and laugh more. Well, come to find out that the word wowowo (pronounced like woah woah woah with the emphasis on the middle woah) is Swahili slang for a large butt. So I was shouting after them "Big butt! Big butt!" trying to get them to calm down. Needless to say, I got a good translation back at home to calm them down for the next time. Oh well. These kids love us, we are continually learning from each other.
While I was trying to get them to behave, I thought for a moment how different this was from babysitting back at home. Instead, I felt like they were babysitting Katie and me. We had no idea where we were and they continually have our best interest in mind. During class we always play musical seat-on-the-bench so that Katie and I can sit in the shadiest spots. These kids have been in charge of themselves from the time they could walk. We frequently see 2 and 3 year olds tottering around by themselves and walking to school by their lonesome. This is possible because the cultural standard is that a kid belongs to the entire community and it is the community’s responsibility to take care of the child. It is acceptable and expected that you punish and comfort random children that you see that are in need of either. What a contrast to home.
Monday, February 11, 2008
I left at about 5:30am on Friday morning with 4 other girls (Brittany, Holly, Katie and Meghan). We flew for about an hour before touching down on the island of Zanzibar, right off the coast of Tanzania. It was until recently its own nation but is now a part of Tanzania. The first day, we wandered around Stone Town which is the old part of the big city on the island. Zanzibar is about 95% Muslim and is quite different from the mainland. The Arabic heritage is quite noticeable in the people, in how the act, dress, and look. We toured a Church that was built by Livingstone on the spot where the whipping post used to be in the old slave market. Slaves were taken from Zanzibar mostly by Arabic traders who sold all over the world. We got a tour from a man who looked identical to Morgan Freeman. He took us down into the holding cells for the slaves, where 50-75 people were crammed into an unbelievably small space. It was all I could do to keep from passing out, a combination of the circumstance and not feeling so hot. It was really an interesting tour and grounding to remember the slave trade, something tourists often forget about in these regions. I spent the remainder of the afternoon restaurant hopping, not feeling up to wandering the streets. At 3 our hotel came to pick us up and we traveled for about an hour to the other side of the island to where all the famous beaches are.
Friday and Saturday were spent lying in the sun- varying only my reading material and what I was sitting upon (beach, hammock, or chair). The water was absolutely incredible, so warm and clear and green and blue. On Sunday, we went for a day long snorkeling adventure. We were in this small wooden boat with two guys who run these sorts of trips for the hotel we were staying at. The water was pretty rough and the trip was about an hour and a half but we made it to a coral reef. This reef is a UNESCO protected site and was really beautiful, although there were a lot of tourists. We snorkeled for a couple hours. I wore a life vest because I was feeling pretty tired and it was just so great, and also a bit bizarre, to be floating over so much life. We saw schools of all sorts of fish of every different color, sea urchins, and sea stars. We didn't get to see dolphins or turtles, which I was bummed about, but it was still really cool. When we asked what was for lunch, one of the guys reached into the bucket he was sitting on and pulled out a half scaled bloody fish. For lunch the guys made us the tuna fish on board and a great salad and fresh fruit. It was really really really really tasty. Although cooking by fire on a wooden boat made us all kinda iffy. We swam and played in the sun until it was time to come back to Moshi town. It was a bit of a shock coming back to the reality here after being a tourist for the weekend. The people in Zanzibar weren't as friendly as those here and I wonder if that is because they resent the tourists who come in and parade around in their swimsuits (something very much against custom) and flaunt their money at high end estates. I am really happy that while I got the opportunity to play that for the weekend, I am also able to live here in this community as a volunteer and not a tourist.
That's Africa, Baby.
I am mostly recovered now, after a couple days in bed watching Friends and a good trip to Zanzibar! Hakuna Matata!
Arusha and ICTR
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Happy and Lightness
Today we did a wordsearch with the class and I was introduced to Tuesdays, which are safari days. We are going to take a safari, or field trip, every Tuesday. Today the students took us to where they went to Primary school and where they would go to Secondary school if they were to take the test again and pass. The kids are just amazing, although they make fun of us all the time. They laugh among themselves and you catch bits and pieces to indicate that they are talking about us and then they laugh and giggle some more. They like me a lot and I think that again, it is because of my name. Even when introduced to Mamas, the pronounciation of my name is aided by adding that it is a football team. When we were walking, the girls fought hard to be the ones to hold my hands. It is so fitting that the girls who ended up at my sides are named Happy and Lightness. What a privilege it is to be in these girls lives, even if for only 5 weeks.
Friday, February 1, 2008
The week in Review...
On Tuesday, one of my fellow volunteers Lindsay had a pain in her stomach. She went into the hospital to get it checked out, they tested her for malaria and when she tested negative, sent her home. On Wednesday her pain was even worse and so she went back to the hospital (hospital is a relative term). They gave her a x-ray and told her that she had a burst ovarian cyst. After being admitted to the hospital, another doctor came in to give her a second opinion. This time they diagnosed her with appendicitis and told her she had about an hour until it would burst. Usually, CCS would have evacuated her to Germany to do any sort of medical procedure but because of the time crunch, they had to operate immediately. After a discussion with the surgeons and her parents, they decided to go ahead with it in Moshi. She is doing okay and got to come home after three nights in the hospital. The staff was absolutely extraordinary through the whole thing. Moses, the head guy, was on the phone with her parents, the insurance companies, and the hospital all day and Mama Grace, the head Mama, spent four days at Lindsay's side, leaving her family and her job here to keep Lindsay company and to be her advocate in a hospital with one English speaking doctor. We all rotated to keep her company in the hospital as well. Everyone was impressed with both the way that the staff handled it and Lindsay says that she was never really scared about the care given to her at the hospital, given the limited resources. Get well soon Lindsay!
On Wednesday we went on a hike up at the foot hills of Kiliminjaro. It was really beautiful. We stopped at the Chagga museum, a museum about the local tribe around here. We saw a hut that was like the ones they used to live in. They slept with the cows in the hut because they were afraid of the Masai raiding their camps. They planted pineapple trees around the huts so that snakes and other intruders could not make it past the pineapple leaves which are covered in barbs. We saw so many people with bananas. The women are incredible, carrying 100 bananas on their head without any sort of stress. We also stopped at a cave where we got to go in. The cave was used by the Chagga to hide from the Masai and they even would take their cattle down there as well. The waterfall was beautiful, but quite a hike up and down the ridge. It felt great to be swimming in cold water.
Last night a group of us went for Indian food and although it took us about 2 hours to get our food, it was freaking fantastic. I am getting along really well with the volunteers. It is great to meet so many different people from so many different places that are bonded by interest and circumstance. It was a great week!
A list of firsts....
- Spent a night in the airport
- Put a condom on a banana
- Melted a pair of underwear under an iron
- Played soccer under the African sun
- Been bitten (?) by a leech
- Seen wild cattle, dogs, and sheep
- Had a lizard in my mosquito net
- Been in two hit and run accidents in thirty seconds
More coming later...
Third Times the Charm!
So today I started working at Jipe Moyo with two other volunteers, Holly and Katie, both from Ill. While I was bummed that I spent two weeks at other places, I learned some valuable lessons along the way. Jipe Moyo is another women's group, this time consisting of all women who are HIV positive. They have a wood cutting and vegetable business and weekly meetings that are regularly attended. It was good because I got to talk with the volunteers before I chose this placement.
I will be teaching local kids who did not pass the english exam for secondary school. Because they are not proficient enough in English, they will not be able to go to secondary school which severly restricts their ability to achieve. There are about 15 kids that are ages 14-17, 3 boys and 12 girls. It is especially important for the young girls to be given a chance for a good education. We will be teaching them remedial english to catch them up so that they can take the exams again. I am more excited about this age group than the small kids because they have longer attention spans, want to be there, and there isn't a teacher with a stick whacking them as I teach. Additionally, we will be doing house visits two times a week and a weekly support group for the women.
Today was a support group day and this meant our first venture into sex ed. Luckily, we have a local volunteer Armani who is wonderful to translate for us. We purchased two condoms and a banana (ndizi) and a cucumber (tango) from the local market to use as tools. There was eight women present, all of them HIV positive, and only one had ever used a condom before. We spent about an hour and a half going over the proper way of putting it on and answering many questions about condom use, along with general sex ed questions. We learned a lot about the role of sex in the culture here and were able to answer some questions about the spread of disease as well as sex in America. You can ask me later for specific details about the African sexual life if you like... It was amazing to be able to directly effect these women and incredible to me that they had not yet learned about condom use. What knowledge they did have was from the Roman Catholic church, which actively tries to discourage use. There was also an obvious bias against condoms based on rumors, which we quickly debunked. Another hurdle we face teaching sex ed to women is that often women do not have a say in the type, amount, or with whom they have sex. Sexual relations outside a marraige is common, especially because the men generally work away from the home.
It was my most productive day so far and it feels great!